How can Nalytics help HR professionals?

Let’s face it, today’s HR professionals, regardless of industry sector, have a lot to do.

From developing and implementing effective HR strategies and initiatives, to managing and supporting recruitment and retention efforts, in addition to handling all employee-related issues, you are crucial to an organisation’s success.

With the introduction of GDPR 4 years ago, the number of employees, ex-employees and even job applicants, requesting information about what data is held on them and how it’s processed, has no doubt increased since 2018.

These requests – called subject access requests (SARs) – must be completed within one month, to meet GDPR compliance. Failure to comply can result in the ICO enforcing a fine of up to £8.7 million or 2% of the total annual worldwide turnover.

GDPR & It’s Definitions

The GDPR defines personal data as, ‘any information which is related to an identified or identifiable natural person.’

From an HR point of view, this could be any personal data or HR information held on an individual.

This data could be an employee or ex-employee’s application file, personal file, payroll information, medical file, forms of ID such as driving licence or passport, and all the information employers have about their employee, whether it be to hire/fire, pay, provide benefits, etc. In other words, anything an employer collects that contains an employee’s personal information.

The GDPR defines processing as, ‘personal data processed wholly or partly by automated means (or, information in electronic form), and personal data processed in a non-automated manner’ – which could include collecting, storing, recording, gathering, organising, altering, retrieving, using or disclosing.

In a nutshell, how you use any information you store on an individual!

But I use HR Management Software for this information…

Although you may already use HR Management Software, when an individual submits a SAR, they will want to see any data mentioning them, and you might work with several different online and offline systems.

As a result, you have to search across documents in a host of formats. This could be records stored in your HR software, emails stored on your server, spreadsheets, or information from shared drives. It could also be manual data such as paper files and records.

As you can imagine, searching for and easily accessing this information could prove time consuming.

So how can Nalytics help me?

The Nalytics SARs solution provides a framework through which you can perform all required SARs activities.

  • From curation of data, through searching to find only those documents relevant to the SAR
  • To reviewing these documents, and automatically redacting sensitive information
  • To finally, packaging of the data for dissemination to the requestor.

Nalytics SARs provides you with a fast, user-friendly, wizard-driven solution to effectively manage your SAR response process.

What would be the key benefits for me, or my Dept, using Nalytics SARs?

Accredited to ISO 9001 and ISO 27001, Nalytics SARs will significantly reduce your time taken to process your SARs enabling you to easily meet the one-month GDPR SAR response deadline.

Being able to ‘pull in’ all this collated data for the SAR to be run against, can be done quickly and easily. Your SAR response process that may typically have taken days, can be done in hours.

As well as allowing you to quickly and easily search across all your files to find the ‘Subject’s’ data, the solution automatically redacts any third party PII (Personally Identifiable Information) which should not be disclosed. This not only includes Microsoft files, such as Word or Excel, but also emails and their attachments, text files, PDFs, and so on. Images and scanned documents can also be redacted using the Nalytics OCR functionality, which enables you to convert images and scanned documents to text, so the solution can search these also.

Your time spent searching for personal data is significantly reduced as Nalytics SARs offers automatic redaction of sensitive or confidential information – information which might be overlooked in a manual search.

What are the results I could expect using Nalytics to help me manage SARs?

Time Saved

By automating much of the work associated with responding to a SAR, Nalytics saves time and frees up resources. Potentially up to 80% time saving on these tasks.

Improved Capacity

You could benefit from up to 40% increased productivity using Nalytics. Nalytics boosts productivity and streamlines your processes around responding to a SAR.

Reduced Risk

Of including any sensitive data or images which should not be disclosed, as the entire SAR response process is automated.

Take the Next Step

Contact Nalanda today for a no-obligation demo of the Nalytics SARs solution.

Learn how organisations across multiple industry sectors are benefiting from using Nalytics SARs to save significant time, money, and resources on their SAR response process.
