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Helping NHS Trusts, GP Practices & Other Healthcare Organisations with Compliance & Data Management

As part of the OLM Group, we work with a number of Primary Care organisations, from GP practices to NHS Trusts, and Health and Social Care organisations, (children and adult). These include Birmingham Children’s Trust (BCT), The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, and Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership.

Improving productivity and efficiency, whilst streamlining processes to save time, money and resources is consistent across any organisation within the healthcare sector.

How can Nalytics help?

GDPR Support

Nalytics offers a range of capabilities to support GDPR compliance.

Since the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect, there has been a significant rise in Subject Access Requests (SARs), giving individuals the right to access and receive a copy of their personal data which may include all recorded information, including that held on computers, in emails and in printed or handwritten documents, as well as images, videos and audio recordings.

Not only from patients themselves, but lawyers submitting SARs on behalf of clients to support legal claims.

Responding to SAR requests can be a time-consuming and costly procedure, as the process is typically a manual one.

Our Nalytics SARs solution makes responding to Subject Access Requests easier.

Download our SAR White Paper for GP Practices discussing the challenges you might face responding to a Subject Access Request (SAR) and how these can be addressed.

Nalytics SAR has been really beneficial to our process, using the solution has significantly cut down the amount of time it takes to complete each SAR request’

Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust

Data Management

Nalytics provides a secure, highly searchable repository for all current and historic data

Within a healthcare organisation, effective data retention and management is paramount for meeting regulatory compliance.

Your valuable data – current and historic – should be easily searchable and accessible, whilst being compliant with ‘Cyber Essentials’ and the Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT).

Nalytics Preserve is a cloud-based application that instantly improves the searchability and ‘preserves’ any healthcare organisation’s data.

Preserving data from systems such as CareFirst and Swift, the solution will reduce IT infrastructure costs, support data retention polices and help to ensure regulatory compliance requirements are met.

Having an effective solution to preserve and maintain legacy documents, without having to purchase all the licenses and hardware required to retain any historic IT infrastructure over the coming years is of significant benefit to any healthcare organisation.

Proactively manage your data and safeguard your digital content with Nalytics Preserve.

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