Nalytics Preserve – Quick, Easy & Secure Access to your Legacy Data

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Future Proof your Digital Information & Reduce your Risk of Cyber Breach Incidents

When an organisation decides to decommission or retire old software, the associated challenge of preserving and maintaining access to legacy data can be a daunting one.

As well as structured data there will be unstructured data such as documents, emails, and attachments, along with all associated metadata. Searching, accessing, and managing this legacy data is often a problem.

As these legacy IT systems age, not only are they are unable to accommodate today’s security best practices, such as multi-factor authentication, single-sign on and role-based access, but the security risks also increase as they may lack sufficient audit trails or encryption methods.

Often at the heart of cyber breach incidents, and because decommissioning is not usually an option, these legacy IT systems pose a significant risk to an organisation.

Nalytics Preserve Can Help

Nalytics Preserve provides you with an easily searchable, secure repository of archived legacy data, helping you to support your regulatory compliance requirements and data retention policies.

Providing enhanced search capabilities, Nalytics Preserve can index and provide access to content stored in a live implementation of your current content/document/matter management system.

The result is a much better search experience without the associated training on old legacy software or complex reporting tools.

A cost effective, secure, cloud-based legacy document ‘library’, which respects document integrity, the Nalytics Preserve solution enables fast and simple access for users.

Why Nalytics Preserve?

  • An easy, fast, and effective solution to access & search legacy documents.
  • Increased efficiency and productivity around managing legacy data.
  • Significantly reduced IT infrastructure costs.
  • Valuable digital information is future-proofed and secure.
  • Reduced risk of non-compliance and cyber breach incidents.
  • Significantly reduced Operating Expenses (OPEX) costs and compliance with ‘Cyber Essentials’ and the DSPT.

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Nalytics Preserve delivers a really neat and intuitive solution to our legacy document needs. Not only has it provided us with an intuitive way to accurately search across historical data, but it has enabled us to make significant savings around infrastructure and data management overheads.”

– Steve Savage, Partner – Head of IT and Development – Gosschalks Solicitors

Want to take the next step?

Nalanda Technology are a customer-centric organisation that respond quickly to our changing needs. Data is a strategic, core asset to us; its enablement is vital and a pre-requisite to any digital transformation exercise. The Nalytics solution is an essential partner on this journey.

– Alex Campbell, Deputy Investigations Editor – BuzzFeed News
