webinar –

reduce your time spent on subject access requests

Home 5 Handling Data Subject Access Requests efficiently

the nalytics sar software removes the huge amount of time wasted in:

  • Converting all files into PDF’s – not needed, Nalytics can process emails, Word files, PDFs, Excel etc
  • Reading irrelevant documents – not needed, Nalytics searches and returns only those files that relate to the Subject
  • Searching and redacting  third party names & phone numbers etc – not needed, Nalytics automatically identifies and redacts key data such as third Party names; email addresses; NHS Numbers; NI numbers…and much more
  • A fast, user-friendly, wizard-driven solution to effectively manage your SAR response process

register your place - 20th july, 2pm

register your place - 20th july, 3pm

register your place - 21st july, 10am

register your place - 21st july, 11am

register your place - 21st july, 2pm

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